Dr. Joeke Nijboer was author and co-auhtor of several books and articles. Click here to scroll down for the complete list of publications.

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Other publicaties
Nijboer J., Clauss M., Nobel J. 2002. Browse Silage: the Solution for Browsers in Wintertime? Proceedings JNS meeting. Antwerp. Belgium.
Nijboer J., Fidgett A., Clauss M., Hummel J., Gore M., Jansen W.T. 2001. The way forward in European zoo Nutrition. EAZA meeting. Prague. Tsjech Republic.
Nijboer J., Van der Horst W., van der., Fidgett A., Hatt J-M., Macdonald A. 2001. The status of nutrition within EAZA and EEP guidelines – can we help? EAZA meeting. Prague. Tsjech Republic.
Nijboer J., Huisman T.R. 2001. Introducing zootrition in The Netherlands: a joint approach. Proceedings 2nd European Zoo Nutrition Conference. Winchester. United Kingdom.
Nijboer J., Kanselaar J., Leus K.1999. Okapi (Okapia johnstoni) feeding in eight European zoos. Proceedings First European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Rotterdam. The Netherlands.
Bruin A de., Haan N de., Laan M van der., Slotman K., Nijboer J., Jansen W. L. 2005. Zoo animal nutrition and nutritional wisdom of zookeepers – Is more synergy possible? Proceedings 4th Zoo Animal Nutrition Meeting. Leipzig. Germany.
Bijker P.G.H., Nijboer J., Schaftenaar W., Keuzenkamp D.A. 1999. The use of Lactobacilli for the crop in hand-rearing of pigeons. Proceedings First European Zoo Nutrition Meeting, Rotterdam. The Netherlands.
Crissey, S.D., Nijboer J., Leus K., Lintzenich B. 1999. Recom mendation for feeding okapi for the EEP and SSP. Proceedings First European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Rotterdam. The Netherlands.
Damen M., Nijboer J. 1999. Nutrition of crowned pigeons in captivity and in the wild. Proceedings First European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Rotterdam. The Netherlands.
Fidgett A L., Bircher P., Janssen W., Nijboer J. 2005. Foundation and function of EAZA Nutrition Group (ENG), providing specialist support for European conservation breeding programmes. Proceedings 4th European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Leipzig. Germany.
Griffith E., Spiertz J., Nijboer J., Lipman L.J.A. 2005. Analysis of different fish-handling, storage and thawing techniques in eight Zoos in the Netherlands. Proceedings 4th European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Leipzig. Germany
Jansen W.L., Nijboer J. 2002. Advancing Zoo Animal Nutrition. Proceedings JNS meeting. Antwerp. Belgium.
Jansen W.L., Nijboer J. 2003. European Zoo Nutrition Centre. EAZA Conference. Leipzig. Germany.
Hummel J., Hovenjürgen M., Niess E., Johansen K., Nijboer J., Zimmermann W. 2002. Considerations on Feeds Used for Zoo Ruminants. List of publications 173 Proceedings JNS Meeting. Belgium.
Knipscheer A.E.P., Nijboer J., Lipman L.J.A. 2002. HACCP based bacteriological study of the feed of fruit-eating birds at Rotterdam Zoo. Proceedings JNS Meeting. Antwerp. Belgium.
Lovric S., Nijboer J., Beynen A.C. 1999. Diet composition and digestibility in captive black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia v. variegata) Proceedings First European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. The Netherlands
Pagée F., van., Viergever P., Jansen W.L., Nijboer J., Kuiper D., Huisman T R. 2005. What you see is what you get! Proceedings 4th European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Leipzig. Germany.
Pennings J.J.C., Nijboer J., Lipman L.J.A. 2005. Microbiological analysis of frozen and thawed fish in Rotterdam Zoo. Proceedings 4th European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Leipzig. Germany.
Smit D., Kool K., Nijboer J., Jansen W.T., Wijk B.B.H., Huisman T.R. 2001. Importance of browse in Dutch zoo diets. Proceedings 2nd European Zoo Nutrition Conference. Winchester. United Kingdom.
Van Wees S., Nijboer J., Beynen A.C. 1999. Current zoo nutrition status in Europe. Proceedings First European Zoo Nutrition Meeting. Rotterdam. The Netherlands